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The Best Pickleball Serve (VIDEO)

Updated: Feb 4

Pickleball serve

Here’s why Tyson McGuffin can’t stop hitting absolute bomb serves. Tyson has one of the best serves in Pickleball so let’s dissect it so you can replicate it.

First, notice that he stands well behind the baseline. If you stand well behind the baseline you will have a longer distance to hit. He can hit hard with less fear of the ball going out of the back of the court.

Second, get in an open stance facing forward. You want to drive up with your legs and make contact about as high as you’re legally allowed. You still want to hit with an upward swing but with a flatter trajectory to make sure your serve doesn’t sail long.

Tyson has a monster serve and now you can as well. Save this post and as always, please feel free to share it!

The serve in pickleball is the opening shot of each point, and it plays a critical role in setting the tone for the rally. Understanding the rules and techniques for serving is essential for players at all skill levels. Here's more information about the serve in pickleball:

Underhand Serve:

  • The serve in pickleball must be executed underhand. This rule is in place to maintain fairness and sportsmanship in the game.

  • The server's arm must be moving in an upward arc during the entire serve, with the paddle contacting the ball below the waist.

Diagonal Serve:

  • The serve must be directed diagonally across the court, from the server's right-hand side to the opponent's right-hand side (and vice versa for left-handed servers).

  • The ball must clear the non-volley zone (kitchen) and kitchen line and land in the diagonal service court on the opposite side.

Two Bounces:

  • The serve must bounce once on the serving side and the return service must bounce once on the receiving side before players are allowed to begin volleying the ball out of the air.


  • Players must have both feet behind the baseline during the serve. Stepping on the baseline or over the baseline into the court before making contact with the ball results in a foot fault and results in loss of serve.

  • If the serve lands outside the diagonal service court, it is a fault and results in loss of serve. 

Serve Rotation:

  • In doubles play, each player on the serving team gets the opportunity to serve, and the serve alternates between the right and left sides of the court.

  • In singles play, the server serves from the right-hand side of the court when their score is even and from the left when it is odd.

Serve Strategy:

  • Players often use the serve strategically to gain an advantage in the rally. A well-placed serve can force a weak return or set up an opportunity for an aggressive shot.


  • While the basic serve is an underhand motion, players may use variations such as a spin serve to add unpredictability to their shots.

  • Some players incorporate a lob serve, aiming to send the ball high and deep to force opponents back and change the momentum of the game.

Consistency and Placement:

  • Consistency in the serve is crucial. Never miss a serve! You can only score while your team is serving, so remember to always get the serve in before adding spin, power and depth. Players should aim to consistently land their serves in the court to avoid faults and loss of serve and ability to win points.

  • Placing the serve in difficult areas for the opponent, such as close to the baseline or near the sideline, can increase the chances of a weak return.


  • Practicing the serve is essential for improving accuracy and consistency. Players often work on their serving technique to develop a reliable and effective serve.

In summary, the serve is not only a technical aspect of the game but also a strategic one. A well-executed serve can set the stage for a successful point, and players often refine their serving skills to gain an edge in pickleball matches.

The most important things to do while serving:

  • Get the serve in (never miss a serve)

  • Land the serve as deep as possible to the baseline (if you can hit the line, that’s even better)

  • Land the serve on the backhand side of opponents (to make it hardest for them to return the serve deep back to you)

  • Serve with power and fast pace on the ball 

  • Serve with added spin 

Are you interested in learning more about this pickleball shot? Or taking lessons to help you improve + master it? Click the link below to schedule time for your personalized lesson with our certified pickleball instructors! 

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